Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Education and Louisiana Content Standards Essay Example for Free

Education and Louisiana Content Standards Essay The word comes from the Latin word currere which means the course to be run. It contains the courses of study that a student has to complete successfully to obtain a degree certifying competence. (It is the What and Instruction is the How) In K-12 schools, it also contains the standards and benchmarks for each of the courses of study. Students must successfully complete the benchmarks in order to complete the course. In this new age, those benchmarks are measured by the Louisiana Educational Assessment Plan (LEAP). During the 1920s, the definition of curriculum as school experiences was developed by progressive educators to emphasize the quality of experiences. What children learn in school is wider than what goes on in the classrooms. It includes experiences in hallways, the cafeteria, playground, etc. These experiences cannot be separated from the responsibility of educators. There are five types of curriculum: FORMAL- The formal curriculum is the intended curriculum, explicit, overt, and written. It includes the planned and advertised menu of courses, the content of those courses, the catalog descriptions, and the regular public activities included in those courses. You will find this in the Louisiana Content Standards and Benchmarks and the Grade Level Expectations (GLEs). INFORMAL-The informal curriculum is also intended, but not explicit or written. This includes such things as citizenship, manners, and social skills and is influenced by the teacher and his or her educational philosophy. It is reflected in the classroom and is often found in the rules and procedures that a teacher implements. It is also evident in the methodologies chosen by a teacher. For example, I have a strong belief in learning styles; therefore, in face-to-face classrooms, I include a lot of hands-on activities for students to participate and engage in. Also, I include activities that involve lots of student interaction. The hidden curriculum is the covert, or implicit, implied by the very structure of the school buildings. It is learned by exposure of living in  the environment. It is characterized by the reward systems, physical plan of the school, furniture arrangement, etc. When you look at a school, is there a trophy case for sporting events, but not academics? Are classes dismissed every Friday, 6th or 7th period, for a pep rally? If so, that school would value athletics over academics. As you look at the structure of the school, is there a computer room, or is technology evident in every classroom? Are teachers allowed to attend professional development activities during the school day? All these things will provide information about the hidden curriculum of the school. Hidden curriculum is researched by critical theorists. NULL-The null curriculum is what is left out, not attended to, or taught. What is missing from your school, or even the Louisiana Content Standards and Benchmarks? Does the school embrace diversity, or just say it does? EXTRA-The extra-curriculum includes those activities that are structured by the teachers and administration. If a school has a football team, a basketball team, track team (etc.) but no history club, Spanish club, math club (etc. ), one might infer that athletics are valued more than academics. If the school has a basketball team and track team and also has National Honor Society, Future Farmers of America, (etc. ), one would infer that all learnings are valued. What is the relationship between Formal Curriculum and Hidden Curriculum? What is the relationship between Formal Curriculum and Informal Curriculum? How do all forms of c urriculum relate to each other curriculum?

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Great Depression :: American History, Maycomb

It is a foggy window located in the soul through gained experiences that sees prejudice. It does not only influence and revolute sight, rather affects thought and actions. Everyone is given the opportunity to look out the window, but not all can see beyond the fogginess. The fog may be a mixture of race, gender, beliefs or behaviours. The major themes in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird relates back to presumptions and biases; the rich rejecting the poor because of their economic level of life in the Great Depression, whites discriminating against blacks, and people gossiping innocents which result a weak foundation and an unpleasing relation among the Maycomb’s society causing undeveloped individuals to live in an unsafe environment. The Great Depression caused the poor to become poorer while the rich were not affected as much. Some of the rich, such as Aunt Alexandra, misunderstood people because of their economic life. Her different point of view is clearly displayed when she rejects Walter Cunningham, a poor boy, saying, â€Å"...they're good folks. But they're not our kind of folks" (Lee 224). Aunt Alexandra, believing that the Cunninghams are beneath the Finches’ economic level, ignores Scout’s aspect of friendship toward Walter disliking him "because-he-is-trash" (Lee 224). She is regardless of the Cunninghams’ hard work to pay back Atticus in â€Å"the only way [they could]† (Lee 21). Aunt Alexandra results negatively on Walter making him dislike of being a Cunningham, on Scout by decreasing from her relations with her classmates and friends, and on Maycomb by developing an unsafe society for country folks to leave because they have to deal with unnecessary factors like money to avoid the rich prejudices. Maycomb is known guilty for its racist atmosphere where blacks are lower than the whites. However, not all of the white community discriminated black. For example, Atticus stands up for Tom Robinson regardless of Mrs. Dubose’s hurtful words saying Atticus is â€Å"no better than the n*ggers and trash he works for!† (Lee 102) It is obvious that Atticus is one of the most reliable and honourable citizens of Maycomb. Mrs. Dubose’s evaluation on Atticus results negatively on other neighbours and clearly hurts Calpurnia’s feelings. An example of this racial prejudice is found Scout’s words saying that â€Å"[Tom is] just a Negro† (Lee 199). Scout’s words are evidences to the unsafe society for kids to develop. Another example is found while Aunt Alexandra is convincing Atticus to dismiss Calpurnia, although Atticus tells her that â€Å"Calpurnia’s not leaving this house until she wants to† (Lee 137).

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Life is an Echo

â€Å"Life is an echo; all comes back, The good, the bad, the false, and the true. So, give the world the best you have & The best will come back to you. † A man and his son were walking in the forest. Suddenly the boy trips and feeling a sharp pain he screams, â€Å"Ahhhhh. † Surprised, he hears a voice coming from the mountain, â€Å"Ahhhhh. † Filled with curiosity, he screams, â€Å"Who are you? † but the only answer he receives is: â€Å"Who are you? † This makes him angry, so he screams, â€Å"You are a coward! † and the voice answers, â€Å"You are a coward! †He looks at his father asking, â€Å"Dad, what is going on? † â€Å"Son,† he replies, â€Å"pay attention! Then he screams, â€Å"I admire you! † The voice answers, â€Å"I admire you! † The father shouts, â€Å"You are wonderful! † and the voice answers, â€Å"You are wonderful! † The boy is surprised, but still can’t unders tand what is going on. Then the father explains, â€Å"People call this ‘ECHO’ but truly it is ‘LIFE! ’ Life always gives you back what you give out! Life is a mirror of your actions. If you want more love, give more love! If you want more kindness, give more kindness! If you want understanding and respect, give understanding and respect. If you want people to be patient and respectful to you, give patience and respect!This rule of nature applies to every aspect of our lives. † Life always gives you back what you give out. Your life is not a coincidence, but a mirror of your own doings. What is your echo? †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ A good example would be how Maldives reacted in SAFF cup. They wanted Maldives to win @ any cost. Maldivians wanted it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦more than anything else †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. They said, this is our time†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. and they proved they were right. I feel, that Maldivians forgot that there should be a limit to everything†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. They said, â€Å"football in mulhi gaumai faidhaa kodheynan. † Though its diffciult to think of any use football is to the country in general.The point I am talking about is life gives back what we give, what we want†¦. So we have to decide what we want out of life. Life Is An Echo What you send out – comes back. What you sow – you reap. What you give – you get. What you see in others – exists in you. Remember, Life is an Echo. It always gets back to you. As I have said in many previous posts: states of mind are contagious. If we had a state of mind meter and could measure how contagious it is, it wouldn’t be surprising when we discovered that when a person who is upbeat, positive, light-hearted and charismatic   enters into a room people’s moods and states of mind tend to lift.In the same manner when that same person is in a bad mood, full of discouragement and negativity people will tend to be pulled down†¦if they aren’t aware of how their thinking functions. I am sure you notice this when you come into the presence of someone who is either negative or up beat. If you are in a low mood, your spirit will be lifted and before you know it you are laughing, joking and seeing all the good in life. Or how you might be in a good mood and then you run into someone who is complaining, whining and miserable and within minutes, if not seconds, you find your good spirits lowered.When working with people, whether you are a parent, social worker, psychologist, manager or CEO, it is imperative to understand the powerful role of states of mind because your state of mind and quality of thinking you bring to the table in any given moment will not only determine your behavior and performance but it will effect those around you. When you make the link between your thinking and your state of mind you will begin to see why things turn out in life the way they do.In fact if you want to understand why things turn out the way they turn out in life for people you want to understand states of mind and you will begin to see the limitless power of state of mind. The state of mind that we operate from on a moment to moment basis essentially creates our experience in life. If we look out through our eyes and see a harsh, cold, difficult world that is exactly what we will get back and I am not talking about the law of attraction here. I am talking about the Principles behind human psychological functioning: Mind, Consciousness and Thought.If you are harsh and reactive to people they will respond in kind. If you come to a meeting agitated and distracted with your problems, worries and concerns on your mind, everyone in that room will be effected. Unknowingly they will take on your state. In the same way, if you come to that same meeting with a clear, open, carefree mind and ready to listen everyone will follow in kind to some degree. This is especially true with your kids, customers and employees. In low states of mind you are more reactive and in higher states of mind you are responsive.Imagine working for a company where your boss is constantly operating from low states of mind and leads with knee-jerk reactions? Imagine a family now. Imagine a work environment where the boss is responsive, light-hearted, and present. Which boss would you jump hoops through? Which boss would you want to work under? Now who would you want as your parent if you were a kid? Did your parents parent out of a reactive state of mind or responsive? The greatest gift we can give our children, our partner, our family, our loved ones, our employees is the gift of operating from the highest state of mind and being happy and present.If states of mind are contagious and we run around long faced, complaining about money, the weather, the world, politics we pass that on to our children and everyone we come into contact with. If you think that sacrificing your own ha ppiness and mental well-being contributes to your child’s happiness you are unwittingly teaching them to over ride their own innate mental well-being and happiness. What is worse is that they are growing up in a deprived environment as a result of your belief that you have to sacrifice your happiness and psychological functioning in the name of being a good parent.At best your kids may be a little bit happier than you were as they grew up, but usually they mimic what they were taught.. What is the message or lesson you are teaching your children and others when you are willing to sacrifice your happiness? Really stop and think about that. Your kids, your staff, your family wants and needs for you and I to be happy. Your happiness is the greatest contributing factor to having happy, emotionally healthy, secure children and later adults. I don’t mean ecstatic and euphoric, but sane, stable and content with the way we see life as we look out our eyes.They thrive in that e nvironment and when you are resolved that your happiness and mental well-being are your top priority and your circumstances, demands and situations won’t impact your committment to your well-being, you will pass that gift on to everyone you come in contact with. When you lose site of that and your thinking goes south you will suffer the consequences in broken relationships, broken marriages, disgruntled employees who have bad attitudes and your ability to influence and empower people will be all but lost.If you want to have confident, emotionally stable children without all the typical teenage rebellion, a great marriage, great relationships and employees who will jump through hoops for you, commit yourself to your own happiness and mental well-being. You take the lead and they will follow because it is that contagious! Take Away: If people are reacting to you in negative ways, notice what is on your mind. What thoughts are you running through your head. Are you agitated, gru mpy, irritable or distracted? Are you ruminating or dwelling on problems and issues?Check out your thinking and realize that happiness is an inside out job not the other way around. A good gauge to know your thinking is going south would be how you feel. If you feel any of the above thing, stop and check in with your thoughts. The body is such that whatever you think returns to us as a feeling and not the other way around. It is instant messaging of the brain. Regardless of what problems you are facing or what circumstances you find yourself in, you can be calm and at peace. You are the thinker, the artist. Each of us is given formless energy too work with and the form we create is what we call our life, our experience.When we focus, ruminate, analyze and process our problems we just get deeper into them and rarely do we find any lasting solutions. In fact, it is this mind set that keeps us reacting to life resulting in knee-jerk decisions, often keeping us stuck or taking us deeper . When we take our focus off of our worries, concerns and problems the solutions often come to us as insights and many times the answer is so obvious, but we couldn’t see it because we had our mind so preoccupied and blocked. This preoccupied and blocked mind will also cause issues in interpersonal relating.Slow down, let your mind settle and your thoughts simmer down and the jewels you are looking for will appear. Think about it. I read a story today that relates a story that applies to everything we do and become in life, and the causes for it. It starts off with a boy and his father hiking through the mountains. The father gets a little bit ahead and the boy slips and bangs his leg on a rock and yells, â€Å"Ouch! † Almost immediately he hears â€Å"Ouch† coming right back at him. A little startled he yells out to the mountains, â€Å"Who are you,† thinking it was someone mocking him.He gets the same response. He then yells, â€Å"You coward,† a nd just the same way it has been happening, he heard the same response! Getting more frustrated and about to burst into anger, he looks to his father and asks him, â€Å"What's going on? † His father just smiles and says, â€Å"Son, pay attention! † He then yells back to the mountain, â€Å"I admire you, You are a Leader, You are a champion, You can do anything! † With each phrase he received the same response in return. The boy looks and little confused so the father explains, â€Å"Son, people call this an ECHO but really this is LIFE.It gives you back everything you say or do. Life is a reflection of our actions! † If you want more live in the world, it first starts with creating more love in your heart. If you want more competence in your team or your employees, become more competent yourself. If you want more respect, give more respect. If you want all out massive success, help others to become successful. This relationship applies to everything, in all areas of life. Your life is not a coincidence†¦ it is a reflection of YOU! Two of the most sought after things in this world are TIME and MONEY! Making more money is the easy part.I can teach you how to create wealth, but you can never get more time. Wouldn't it be great if you could just figure out how to have both? I have†¦.. and can teach you how to do it as well. Stop Settling and Start Living! | Once a little boy in a fit of anger shouted at his mother that he hated her. Fearing punishment, he ran out of the house to the hillside & shouted into the valley,†I hate you, I hate you, I hate you†. The valley echoed back, â€Å"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you†. Startled, the boy ran back & told his mother there was a little boy in the valley saying he hated him. is mother told him to return & shout, â€Å"I love you, I love you†. The little boy did & this time he discovered there was a nice little boy in the valley saying, â€Å"I love you, I love you†. Remember, what you say coms back to you! | | LIFE is a MIRROR, as well as an ECHO. It gives back what you give. MAKE A DIFFERENCE I read a very inspiring article from a friend which made me think about the truth behind it. When you look at yourself in the mirror you see your real looks. That is why before we go outside of our room, we look at our face and overall appearance.Then either we change our clothes with a better one or we put something in our faces or change hairstyle just to look better. Life is a mirror. During our struggles for something, we find that whatever our input is, we get results according to what we had invested. It is not right for some people to expect wealth when they do not put their efforts to getting wealth. And it is not right for people to live in luxury when they do not have the means to to achieve it. Most importantly, it is not right for anybody to steal the property of somebody just to live up a good life. Life is an echo.When yo u say good things about your neighbor, he will in turn say the same things about you to other people. It is as if your words bounces back to you. So be careful because if you say anything bad about anybody, whether he heard it not not, you will have a bad image according to that somebody. What is bad about an ‘echo' is that whoever hears it, puts it back even if he is not guilty or he is not the object of that echo. We do not want to receive anything bad. So how do we make a difference. Simple, just follow the old adage, ‘do unto others as you would have others do unto you'.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

A Look Into Psychoanalysis Essay - 1469 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Psychoanalysis had its beginning with the discovery that a person in complete physical health could experience an illness with physical symptoms that stemmed from things trapped in the subconscious known as hysteria. Charcot, a French neurologist tried to liberate the mind through hypnosis. A Viennese physician, Josef Breuer, carried this purging further with a process based on his patient, Anna O., revealing her thoughts and feelings to him. Sigmund Freud took Breuer’s method and made generalizations that grew into conceptualizations and eventually into the theories of psychoanalysis. Freud would listen to his patients, and then use these thoughts to interpret what was happening in the unconscious part of†¦show more content†¦Simply put one may be bashful or impotent or aggressive to the extreme of being a sex murderer. To carry his study further, Freud considered the sexuality of an individual. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Through this particular study, Freud contends that one must go back to birth, which is the manifestation of an individual’s sexuality. The oral phase is where life begins and that is why babies explore everything with their mouth, the center of all sensations. The following phase is the anal or sadistic-anal phase where excretory functions are the center of everything. Pleasures are experienced in the anus during bowel movements. Finally these erotically tinged pleasures are experienced when the sexual organ is manipulated. Thus psychosexual development progresses from the oral through the anal to the phallic (in psychoanalytic theory phallic refers to both male and female sexual organs) stage. During the height of the phallic phase, about the ages of three to six, these libidinous forces focus on the parent of the opposite sex and lend an erotic cast to the relationship between parent and child (son/mother or daughter/father). This focus is known as t he Oedipus phase for boys and the Electra phase for girls. The phallic phase is followed by a period of latency where sexual drives lay dormant until puberty when they are reawakened and individuals become more aware of the sexual roles they will play as an adult.Show MoreRelatedA Brief Look at Psychoanalysis788 Words   |  3 PagesSolving this dilemma is based on clarifying the notion of normal and pathological, both socially and individually. 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